Today was library day. This operation is small potatoes for such an avid reader as I. Of course almost all of the books due back were huge with about 300-500 pages each. Then factor in the DVDs and the fact outside temperatures were sweltering.
It was a challenge keeping the DVDs from warping, a mission I successfully accomplished.
The red book bag was filled and stuffed until there wasn't enough space to cram in a piece of paper. Slumped slightly over from the weight of my treasures I slowly trudged to the car. Although it was a brief walk I felt like I had hiked Mt. Everest.
Depositing the bag in my car I headed off. Arriving at the library I circled the parking lot trying to find a spot in the shade. All the choice spots were taken but I finally located a spot with the shade from a skinny tree. That meant only a small portion of my car was shaded but I was okay with that.
I repeated the lug the book bag scene until I arrived safely inside. I piled the stack on the return counter and began to comb the aisles for old favorites and new choices yet to be experienced.
Ready to leave I placed my new stack in front of the librarian for check-out.
It was time to hunt through the cards..driver's license, social security card, two bank cards, multiple grocery store cards until at least I found THE card and handed it over to the librarian.
All finished at last,I packed the bag, once again crammed full and in a slow hunched over position I proceeded to my car.
Home at last the red bag sat in the wooden chair where I placed it and knew it would soon allow me to travel many adventures from the bounty within.
That is sooooo me. I love to go in bookstores, libraries, and "used 1/2 price book stores." I love the smell. Some people don't get that...I guess I am weird. Because of my hoshimoto's diseaase, my eyelids droop. They have drooped so much it's difficult to read, so I have turned to audio books lately. Did you know if you go to the library website for Chesterfield, you can listen to audio or download on KINDLE for free?> I used to be able to read a book in a day; now, with my eyelids and the struggle to see, I don't get to read nearly as much as I would like...But, I still go to the library regularly...I really think a love of reading is necessary in order to become a good writer. Some people would be bored to death by the concept. I trained as a court reporter and the emphasis was on editing; that's what slows me down in my writing; should this be a semi or a period, are my tenses correct - careful of coordinating conjunctions and unnecessary commas.....At any rate, it must be wonderful to earn a living AND pursue your passion at the same time. That is the ultimate goal. :)