Writing. Writer. Write.
The art or act of writing pulls or feeds energy into or from your very soul.
Writing can be an act of recording or creating.
Creating requires every morsel of brain waves, heart emotions, desires of life not yet achieved, recounting life experiences, jubilation of emotional joy already felt, expression of life personally lived or that one desires to live.
It begins with a thought, then a word, a phrase, a sentence,then a paragraph until a recounting of of a tale has been accomplished.
Creating a written work, can be draining and at the same time exhilarating.
But one thing is sure, writing has its own breath of life.
If our creative muse is on empty, we may have to intervene and breathe life back into our writing.
How do we do that?
Get rid of the clutter in our heads. Get rid of the cobwebs on our brains. Clean the house so to speak.
If our minds are already filled, there is no room for new thoughts or inspirations to flow in, so make space! Find some quiet time or just silence without visual stimulation and the thoughts flow. If there is space, they will come.
After years of being a professional writer, for the first time, this year I am taking a one week vacation. So far, in my writing world,it has begun to refill my creative batteries. I have had time to ponder the direction I want to go and to think about goals I want to set and goals I have achieved. It's been a good thing.
Is your creative muse having trouble getting through to you? Do you no longer feel the passions that drive you as a writer?
Don't let the batteries go out of power.
Stop. Silence the constant chatter of the world. Make a space in your mind and feed your writing passions.
Breathing life into your writing, will ignite your passion like it has never been before.
Go forth in purpose and there, joy is the reward.
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